Investment Portal
Here you can find opportunities to invest in our work to create radical enough community change
To create radical enough change for a thriving future, communities need to harness transformative investment at a much greater speed and scale than they have managed before – generally billions of euros over the next decade. We also need to invest much more in the core work of shaping and managing radical change.
Here on our Investment Portal you can find opportunities to invest in Thriving Communities, through:
- Our core programmes that support communities with mission-led change
- Projects in communities that are part of the Thriving Communities collective (coming soon)
- A donation towards our core resources
We are also exploring options for developing a Thriving Communities crowd-investment platform to help support communities in SE Europe with citizen-investment processes. If you are interested in exploring this with us, please get in touch.
Could you contribute a small amount right now now to the development of Thriving Communities?
Core Programme Funding Opportunities

Community Project Investment Opportunities
Coming soon . . .