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21st Century Neighbourhoods Catalyser

Help us to put holistic and radical change into practice at the neighbourhood-scale in SE Europe.

Neighbourhoods map to the scale of community that most people identify with in their day-to-day life.

Working at a neighbourhood scale is a great way to bring together the strands of our overall approach and integrated action towards a ‘safe and just space’ for local communities. Working at a neighbourhood scale allows for prototyping transformative and systemic change, while not being too big and keeping things tangible for citizens who live, work and play there.

Co-creating neighbourhood-scale radical change initiatives is a task that is also well aligned to the mission behind the New European Bauhaus initiative, which captures the grand challenge facing all communities in the 21st century – how to create genuinely sustainable, inclusive and beautiful places to live work and play.

Creating 21st Century Neighbourhoods is therefore one of our key work areas.

Our 21st Century Neighbourhoods Catalyser programme builds on the foundations of our Capacity Development for Mission-Led Change support. That training and support equips community actors with the fundamentals of taking a mission-led approach to change. The 21st Century Neighbourhoods Catalyser process then helps them to put mission-led change into practice at a neighbourhood scale.

This work includes identifying a priority neighbourhood to focus on, and then iteratively applying the different parts of our change process management approach to develop and implement a portfolio of actions to transform this neighbourhood.

This is a deep learning-by-doing process. Once communities can build confidence around designing and managing a process of mission-led radical change for a neighbourhood, they can move forwards towards creating an integrated mosaic of transformed 21st century neighbourhoods that covers their whole city or region. This is a practical pathway to achieving radical change at scale.

If you could potentially support us to expand our 21st Century Neighbourhoods Catalyser programme, please get in touch.

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