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Capacity Development for Mission-Led Change

We bring together experience from across our collective to provide community leaders with capacity development support for mission-led change.

Radical community development missions push communities to focus on ‘what must we do’ rather than the status quo approach of ‘what can we do next’. This is important if communities are to properly address the enormous challenges we are facing (see ‘why we do what we do ). Focussing on mission-led change is a core part of our approach.

But mission-led change is hard. It is a big mindset shift for most people, organisations, businesses, governments and municipalities. It means working very differently to how most of us have been trained and rewarded to operate so far.

So, significant and sustained support is needed to help build capacity across communities for taking a mission-led approach. By providing this support, the Thriving Communities collective is working to fill an important gap in the types of support that is currently on offer to communities in SE Europe.

We deliver capacity development for mission-led change through online materials, trainings, workshops, shared learning, co-creation sessions, learning-by-doing and bespoke coaching – covering these areas:

  • The case for radical community change & examples of good practices
  • Nurturing community imagination, co-creation and deliberation processes
  • Social innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Local mission development
  • Mission branding, communication and storytelling
  • Enablers of mission-led change
  • Mission incubators and governance models
  • Partnership agreements, including City Climate Contracts and Local Green Deals
  • Mission portfolio development
  • Transformative investment, business & economic models
  • Government policy innovation to support community missions
  • Aligning local missions with EU priorities
  • Mission monitoring, evaluation and collective learning

The primary outcome of this work is significantly boosted capacities of citizens, organisations, businesses, governments and municipalities to lead and manage mission-led change processes.

This means more communities in SE Europe will be getting on track with the radical, mission-led change processes that are desperately needed everywhere to tackle the challenges of our time. This directly supports action on a number of strategic EU goals and initiatives.

Getting on track with the radical, mission-led change will ultimately result in much greater social and economic benefits for communities – where most citizens are currently missing out due to insufficient action and positive change being achieved in their community (for example, see our work on the economic case for decarbonisation in SE Europe).

If you are interested in potentially funding our Capacity Development for Mission-Led Change work, please get in touch.

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