Our Approach
We focus on the core problem of how communities can organise, resource, plan and manage radical enough change so that they can genuinely come to live and thrive within planetary boundaries.
Thriving Communities is a collective initiative with a mission to help communities create radical enough change to thrive in the 21st century
To frame the breadth and depth of what it means to live and thrive within planetary boundaries, we use the frame shown below:

This frame is largely drawn from the holistic ‘doughnut’ model of sustainable development conceived by Kate Raworth, and linked Doughnut Economics Action Lab tools for using it a local level. Inspiration is also taken from the Sustainable Development Goals and EcoDistricts Protocol.
Our approach to working on the problem of how communities can organise, resource, plan and manage radical enough processes of change is built around the following eight interlinked elements (click on each to learn more):
A core principle behind our approach is the need for communities to invest more deeply in developing and manging the process and enablers of change, if radical change is to flourish in ways that benefit everyone. This thinking is elaborated in this article using the metaphor of a tree.
Much thought and experience has been distilled into our approach so far. At the same time, it is a living and ever-evolving way of trying to work to create radical change. We are constantly learning as a collective. Your suggestions and feedback will be very welcome.